

Brent Lodge Stables

Heritage , Education & Community

Firstplan were instructed as Planning and Heritage consultants to obtain planning permission and listed building consent to restore and convert this redundant early 19th century Grade II listed stable block into a Children’s Nursery (Class D1).

The building was in a poor state of repair and was placed on Historic England’s ‘at risk’ register. The sensitive scheme facilitated the much-needed renovation of the stable block building and enabled the relocation of an existing local children’s nursery into the building, allowing the business to expand and improve the quality and quantity of its premises and the childcare offer.

The project included extensive negotiations with officers at Ealing Council and Historic England with permission obtained in Spring 2018. Firstplan worked alongside the project architects and the scheme was carefully considered to balance a wide range of issues, including the impact of the works on the significance of the listed building, impact of the works on the Metropolitan Open Land within which the building was located, and the impact of the nursery on the surrounding area.
